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a-pic-a-day challenge
- 2024 -

My Sore Sandals Imaging Alliance has been taking on the challenge of taking and sharing a photo every day since 1 January 2024.

Find more info in the game rules below.

a pic a day 2024

Game Rules

Game Rules

The most important and almost the only rule of the game is: take a photo every day.
One photo, just one, must be given a name and shared every day.
Whether taken with a mobile phone or a camera is up to you, the subject and motif are open.*

However: no image editing, no cropping, no fakes.
At the end of the month, one picture per participant will be published here. 
The winners are those who participate and take and share a photo every day, thus keeping their eyes open and training their photographic eye even in the rather grey everyday life.

The game is less 'easy' than it sounds at first - the challenges arise all by themselves: on the way to work and back or to the supermarket; in wind and weather and on days with no light or with a cold or bad mood: it takes a photo, every day.

Another challenge (according to our experience) can also be to decide on a "pic of the day" every day.

* Selfies and baby spam are allowed by the rules of the game, but are not overly appreciated.

Pics of the month: January

Pics of the month

Experiences we made



The first month of the challenge. On the whole, we pulled through and found it increasingly fun. There were 2 fails and one cheat, but all beginnings are difficult and sticking with it is everything.


After 4 months of the challenge, finding a daily motif has pretty much become second nature to us. To an extend that we are increasingly diversifying our search for motifs in order to avoid boredom - for us and for the viewer.


It turns out more and more that we almost only use mobile phone photos for the challenge, even if we have a camera with us. We've now also decided that we definitely want to do this for the whole of 2024 - we'll see what happens after that.


We're feeling a bit like spring this month - we're wondering if we've ever experienced a particular season so intensely without the Challenge. But this autumn was also a particularly golden one... so that's why we're already planning for the next 365 pics or 500 at least....


The second month of the challenge has already worked much better, no fails and no cheats. We are starting to really enjoy it and are realising how our eyes are opening up in search of possible pics.


This month, photos from Flensburg, Hamburg and Crete were added to the Berlin photos. Because, of course, the challenge doesn't take a break on holiday. On Crete, we always shared the first photo of the day as an extra challenge.


Not mentioned for a long time: we haven't had any failures or cheats for months. The eye is sharpened in an unexpected way and a certain visual language crystallises, although the motifs are very different and diverse.



This month the photos are dramatically different: Andrea is in India and is having trouble making up her mind in the flood of images - Björn in Berlin is taking photos after work and has to make sure he discovers something in the dark... But we managed it without any fails.


We have now completed the challenge for a quarter of a year. Again there have been no fails and no cheats. We realised that since ages we hadn't noticed this clearly spring was on its way. 


It's slowly getting more difficult - the immediate surroundings have been pretty much grazed. Taking a photo every day is now less of a challenge than finding the motif itself. Nevertheless, it's part of life now and we've decided to keep going.


Our (myssia) favourite time of year - it's no longer midsummer in Berlin since a few days and the light is now a bit more autumnal - wonderful. Some circumstances have changed, the challenge isn't getting any easier, but we're sticking with it


December brought us a number of challenges: it was mostly grey in Berlin - with shades of concrete grey, mouse grey, etc.  - and light was in short supply. Nevertheless, we only had one failure and have now decided to continue with the challenge in any case.

Fundus - all pictures taken

Januar 2024
February 2024