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in this section you will find links to the reference pages with the art and photo projects of Andrea Breuer and Björn Breuer. Here you can make your individual image selection for specific products.
Billboard stills
Advertising posters with a new focus: faces and situations are reduced to the image message and are therefore taken out of the original context because the advertising message is not depicted.
Reflections & structures such as abstract paintings and drawings...
Chakra Shots
(seit 2005)
Fotos in den Spektralfarben
Fotos in den Spektralfarben
Mit Makrofotografie den Blick auf Details lenken. Ein buntes Angebot, in Farben zu schwelgen und ins Staunen zu kommen.
Announcement infrastructure
a.k.a. Signs
International bans, warnings, information, restrictions, constraints. Rather amusing in this bundle.
International bans, warnings, information, restrictions, constraints. Rather amusing in this bundle.
The silver lining on the horizon...
On the way
So far there are impressions from New York, Canada, New Zealand, Shanghai, Tokyo and Kyoto, London, Porto, Seattle, Bavaria and Cornwall. And from the Harz with the Devil's Wall.
Pictures from previous trips: Varanasi, Delhi, Rishikesh, Pushkar, Dharamsala
Photos of roots as symbols of arriving, becoming rooted, becoming grounded
Glow: evening mood
You have to imagine the evening scent in spring and summer - but the season that is predestined for bright evening atmospheres is autumn.
Late evening photos are also mixed in - but it's still about lighting.
Late evening photos are also mixed in - but it's still about lighting.
The photographic eye finds a certain aesthetic almost everywhere! Even in what would commonly be described as 'not photogenic' or 'weird'.
Street art
It is fascinating how much energy and talent can flow into the refinement of 'non-places' in an effort to assert oneself against the anonymous everyday and everyday grayness.
Excerpts from the archive - the first dozen years.
Excerpts from the archive - the first dozen years.
Berliner Jahreszeiten
Über das Festival of Lights im Herbst hinaus
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